OzWellness blog
The ugly face of skincare
Ever walked into a beauty aisle or browsed online and been completely overwhelmed by choice? Confronted with a wall of beautifully well-placed products and marketing spiels promising to improve your skin’s appearance, texture, remove dark spots, decrease redness and reduce the signs of aging and so on.
Sold the world but delivered a chemical storm
This is probably why we tend to get a lot of recommendations from our friends and also beauty influencers who are showing off their incredible glowing skin and how miraculous the product has been at changing up their beauty routine.
This is great when you start imagining how amazing your skin is gonna look, but what happens if these modern formulas so easily recommended come at a price and not one that just affects your hip pocket? A lot of these products are made with fragrances, chemicals and other hidden nasties that have no long term studies or understanding of their side effects on the human body.
More is not always better
When you think there is anywhere from 15-50 ingredients in just one average cosmetic product and we are often told that a 7 step skin regime is the ultimate in skin health. Your brain starts to do the math on how many products we use in a day. In fact research has found that women can place over 500 different chemicals on their skin daily. Shocked?? We were too…
Emu oil - A natural approach to great skin
That’s why we made it our mission at OzWellness to source ethical and sustainable health & wellness products that contain minimal ingredients from our own incredible Australian backyard. We have a deep belief that the future of skincare is the blend between traditional knowledge, natural ingredients and modern sustainability practices. So for us finding the most effective and natural ingredients to enhance natural beauty and promote self care while getting far away from chemical skincare that is so often touted as being natural was super important. That’s why we chose Emu oil as the first of our hero products.
An age-old natural solution
The incredible natural healing benefits of emu oil were originally discovered by indigenous Australians up to 40 thousands years ago. They Considered the oil to be an effective bush medicine that when rubbed in topically had the potential to be a powerful healing agent that went through the skin and into the body to aid in the relief of everything from wounds, scars, skin conditions, arthritis, muscle & joint pain.
What makes emu oil so good?
As modern science caught up with this ancient wisdom, what we have discovered is that Australia’s first nation people were spot on about the many benefits that the fat from the emu can provide. This product is packed full of omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, F and K2 and can aid in the following:
- Reduce wrinkles
- Helps control breakouts
- Hydrates skin
- Cellular renewal
- Reduces UV damage
- Increase collagen
- Helps pigmentation
- Helps dry/flaky skin
- Reduces scar visibility
- Soothes irritable skin
- Helps roasacea
- Won't block your pores
All this from just one ingredient!
This is pretty amazing given that there is only one ingredient on the product list. So you can be assured that you will get all the touted benefits but without any of the potential chemical overload.
Choose wisely...
The ingredients in your skin care products can make a difference to not only your skin but also your future overall health. So choose products that are sourced from nature and have minimal amounts of ingredients because beauty is more than just skin deep.